Crypto NewsThe Cardano price is set to hit $2 by February, but this Ethereum rival, WallitIQ (WLTQ), could skyrocket from $0.04 to $6 in just 3 weeks cryptosheadlines1 week ago01 mins The Cardano price is set to hit $2 by February, but this Ethereum rival, WallitIQ (WLTQ), could skyrocket from $0.04 to $6 in just 3 weeks Skip to content Home Investing Cardano Price Projection: ADA To Hit $2 In February While This Ethereum Rival Will Climb To $6 From $0.04 In 3 Weeks Source link Post navigation Previous: Australia joins a list of countries in banning DeepSeek AINext: Will This Be the Last Major Dip Before XRP Price New All-Time High?