Telegram has launched its first update of 2025, introducing third-party verification and NFT gift features. Verified accounts will display unique icons assigned by trusted third-party organizations. These updates aim to enhance safety and reduce misinformation on the platform. Additionally, the chat app users can now transform digital gifts into NFTs, tradeable across platforms. The move highlights its commitment to integrating blockchain innovations and improving user experience, which has also triggered a TON price rally.
Telegram Adds Third-Party Verification and NFT Gift Features
On January 2, as per a TechCrunch report, Telegram introduced its first update of the year, including a third-party verification system. Trusted organizations like educational consortiums or regulatory bodies can now verify accounts. These verified accounts will display a unique icon, distinct from its traditional blue checkmark, ensuring greater transparency and safety.
The platform highlighted that this new method aims to reduce misinformation and scams, providing a decentralized solution for account authentication. Verified entities must first undergo a stringent approval process, including an application and identity checks. Organizations can then manage verifications using it’s Bot API, assigning or removing verified status for their affiliates.
The update also includes the ability to transform gifts into NFTs with custom icons and backgrounds. Telegram Stars can be used to send these gifts, purchasable within the app or via the Fragment platform using TON wallets. Users can trade these NFTs across multiple platforms, with the chat app charging a small fee to cover blockchain transaction costs.
For public figures and organizations seeking official verification, the updated page verification guidelines require accounts to be active and notable on at least two major social media platforms like TikTok or YouTube. Alternatively, verified Wikipedia pages or links from official websites can be used. Applicants must demonstrate credibility through links to press articles or official pages before applying via @VerifyBot.
Toncoin Price Context and Market Overview
Telegram’s native cryptocurrency, Toncoin (TON) Price was trading at $5.60, reflecting a 5% increase in the last 24 hours. However, it has declined by 15% over the past month. TON’s 24-hour low and high stood at $5.41 and $5.701, respectively. The Toncoin boasts a market cap of $14.45 billion with $160 million in trading volume.
In related updates, users can explore over 130+ Crypto Telegram Channels in 2024 for trading signals, price predictions, news, and discussions. These channels offer diverse insights for crypto enthusiasts, from airdrop notifications to market analyses, catering to beginners and experts alike.
Disclaimer: The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.
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