Garlinghouse lauds XRP community at XRP Las Vegas 2023 for supporting Ripple

During Ripple’s ongoing legal dispute with the SEC, the XRP community has stood by Ripple, offering continuous support. Ripple CEO Bradley Garlinghouse recently expressed gratitude for the community’s unwavering backing after meeting with them at the XRP Las Vegas 2023 gathering.

XRP Las Vegas 2023: An Event Celebrating the XRP Community

The XRP Las Vegas 2023 event is a two-day conference created specifically for members of the XRP community. It is organized by Bradley Kimes, the founder of Digital Perspective. The inaugural event started yesterday and will end today. The organizers have given it the exciting title of the “XRPArmy Conference of a lifetime!” with the aim of making it a prominent gathering for the XRP community, similar to the renowned “Bitcoin Miami” event.

Notable individuals from the XRP community, such as attorney John Deaton who is the founder of CryptoLaw, participated in the sessions on the first day of the event.

Garlinghouse’s Message of Thanks

In his tweet, Garlinghouse shared pictures from the XRP Las Vegas 2023 event and expressed his gratitude for the community’s backing throughout what he referred to as the “battle” against the SEC’s accusations.

Garlinghouse’s message highlights the crucial support provided by the XRP community to Ripple during these challenging times, showcasing their indispensable role in standing by the company.

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XRP Community Stands Strong

The legal fight between Ripple and the SEC has faced many obstacles and changes. But, the XRP community has stayed together and offered steadfast backing to Ripple. The community’s unity has been recognized, and Garlinghouse’s thankful message emphasizes the important role played by the XRP community in supporting Ripple throughout this time.

