Microsoft Hires Altman and Brockman from OpenAI


In a recent post on X, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced the hiring of former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and President Greg Brockman.

Nadella expressed his excitement, sharing that they, along with their colleagues, will be leading a new advanced AI research team at Microsoft. This move signals a significant development in Microsoft’s pursuit of advancing artificial intelligence research.

The post also emphasized Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to its partnership with OpenAI. It expressed anticipation for working with OpenAI’s new CEO, Emmett Shear, who took over from Sam Altman on Nov. 20. This signals Microsoft’s dedication to collaboration and continued engagement with OpenAI despite changes in leadership.

Altman faced removal from OpenAI by its board of directors on Nov. 17, citing alleged inconsistency in communication with the board. Following Altman’s ousting, Brockman resigned from his position on the OpenAI board. In response to Nadella’s announcement, Altman shared the post with the message, “the mission continues,” indicating his ongoing dedication to the mission despite the changes in leadership.

On November 17, Sam Altman was removed from his position as the head of OpenAI by the board of directors. The reason cited was his alleged lack of consistent transparency in communications with the board. Following Altman’s departure, Greg Brockman also resigned from his role on the OpenAI board. The changes in leadership at OpenAI came amid concerns about communication practices within the organization.

After stepping down from his position at OpenAI, Greg Brockman expressed his feelings on social media, stating that he was both “shocked and saddened” by the events that unfolded. Despite the official announcement characterizing it as a voluntary departure, Brockman shared in his post that he was informed he was “being removed.” This discrepancy in interpretation adds a layer of complexity to the circumstances surrounding his departure from OpenAI.

At OpenAI, following the changes in leadership, Mira Murati, the former Chief Technology Officer, has been appointed as the interim CEO. Murati has been with OpenAI since 2018, a period when the organization functioned as a nonprofit research center. This interim appointment indicates a period of transition and stability as OpenAI navigates through recent changes in its leadership structure.

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