Sei Labs Launches Mainnet Beta

Sei Network

Sei Labs has recently introduced its Mainnet beta platform, aiming to make more people use digital money.

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Sei Labs, the tech company that created the Sei blockchain, has achieved a big step in changing how digital money works. They finished a successful Testnet alpha part, where they did 400 million transactions and made 7.5 million special testnet wallets. Now, they’ve started the Sei Mainnet beta part.

The team said in a tweet, “This is the start of a big journey, changing how we do things online and making them faster. The Sei Foundation is excited to see new things made using Sei’s tools.”

In the Mainnet beta, they want to make their stuff better by working with the community and getting ready for more people to use it.

It’s important to know that Sei isn’t only about decentralized finance (DeFi). It can help in lots of other areas where people need to trade, like games, NFT markets, and places where people exchange digital money.

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Addressing Current Challenges through Scaling:

With more rules coming for centralized exchanges (CEXs), apps that work without a main company have to manage more transactions on their systems. Sei wants to solve the problem of systems being too slow and unable to handle lots of actions.

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They’re doing this by using different ways to make things faster, decentralized, and smarter with where they put their important computer nodes. This helps them work better even if there are problems with the network.

One of the people who started Sei, Jeff Feng, says,

“Right now, the systems we use online are not fast enough, and they get too full. Sei is made to help apps and other projects get bigger without causing problems, and it’s also easy for people to use.”

Improving Sei’s Performance:

The platform is working really fast, with a super quick time of 250 milliseconds to finish things. They also have a 100-millisecond backup to make sure everything stays working well. This speed is helped by doing multiple things at the same time, which makes it even faster.

Sei is also doing new and amazing things to agree on what’s right, called Twin-Turbo consensus. This makes everything work even better and faster than before.

Putting Users First with a Complete Experience:

As the Mainnet is launched, the Sei team has shared that over 200 groups are actively making things on the Sei network. There are already more than 7.5 million special wallets, and they’ve done an incredible 400 million test transactions.

On the day of the launch, they brought out 30 apps that work right away. More will come in the second half of 2023, like the new way to trade things forever by Sushiswap.

One of the people who started Sei, Jay Jog, said, “The most important thing blockchains can do is let us trade digital stuff. Trading matters for all Web3 apps, not just DeFi. It’s also important for social places, games, and places where people exchange digital things. Apps like places where you get special digital things or places where people trade in games will be best when they’re built on Sei.”

Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.

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